Briggs Dc Shunt +what Multimeter to Read 1 Milliamp = 1amp

Most of the engineers, too as technicians in the electronics field, know the measurement device namely a multimeter. Multimeters are available in different forms in the marketplace based on the characteristics. A multimeter is an essential measurement instrument, used in whatsoever engineering workshop or any lab. The main office of this device is to measure the electrical properties of tools as well as wiring in industries. At present, multimeters are used for different purposes based on the requirements like to deal with electricity, laboratories, power sources & circuits. The different electrical parameters in the multimeter can be selected using a dial or a rotary switch on the front end side of the instrument. This article discusses an overview of multimeter types.

What is a Multimeter?

A Multimeter is an electronic musical instrument, every electronic technician and engineer'south widely used piece of exam equipment. A multimeter is mainly used to mensurate the three basic electrical characteristics of voltage, electric current, and resistance. It can also be used to exam continuity between two points in an electrical circuit. This post mainly introduces the basic data of multimeters, applications, and types of multimeters are in. Let'south see all of these.

The multimeter has multi functionalities like, acts similar ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter. Information technology is a handheld device with positive and negative indicator needles over a numeric LCD digital display. Multimeters tin can be used for testing batteries, household wiring, electric motors, and power supplies.

The essential parts of the multimeter mainly include a display, ability source, probes, and controls.

How to use a Multimeter?

The function and performance of a multimeter are similar for both analog and digital types. This instrument includes 2 leads or probes namely cherry-red and black & three ports. The black color atomic number 82 is used to plug into the common port, whereas the red color leads plug into other ports based on the requirement.

In one case the leads are plugged in, the knob can be switched ON in the center of the musical instrument then that the appropriate function tin be done for the specific component test. For instance, once the knob is situated to 20V DC, then the multimeter will notice DC voltage up to 20V. To calculate low voltages, and so fix the knob in the multimeter to the 2V/200mV range.

To obtain a reading from the meter, y'all need to bear on the end of each probe to the end of the terminals of components. Types of multimeter devices are very safe to apply on devices and circuits to provide the electric current or voltage that does not go above the highest rating of the meter.


While measuring, we must exist very cautious then don't touch the bar ends of the metal in the tester when activated otherwise y'all will get an electric stupor.

Functions of Multimeters

These instruments are capable of different readings based on the model. Then bones types of multimeter are mainly used to measure amperage, resistance, voltage, checks continuity and a consummate circuit can exist tested similar the following.

  • Resistance in Ohms
  • Chapters in Farads
  • The temperature in Fahrenheit/ Celsius
  • Air conditioning Voltage & Amperage
  • Inductance Henrys
  • DC Voltage & Amperage
  • Frequency in Hz
  • Conductance in Siemens
  • Decibels
  • Duty Cycle

To some types of multimeters, special sensors or accessories can exist fastened for extra readings like acidity, light level, alkalinity, wind speed & relative humidity.

Types of Multimeter

In that location are unlike types of multimeters similar Analog, Digital, and Fluke multimeters.

Analog Multimeter

The Analog Multimeter or VOM (Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter) is constructed using a moving roll meter and a pointer to indicate the reading on the scale. The moving roll meter consists of a coil wound around a drum placed between ii permanent magnets.

Equally electric current passes through the coil, the magnetic field is induced in the coil which reacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnets and the resultant force causes the pointer attached to the pulsate to deflect on the scale, indicating the current reading. Information technology also consists of springs attached to the drum which provides an opposing force to the move of the drum to control the deflection of the pointer.

Analog Multimeter
Analog Multimeter

For the measurement of DC, the D Arsonval motion described above can be directly used. Withal, the current to be measured should be lesser than the full-scale deflection current of the meter. For college currents, the current divider rule is applied. Using different values of shunt resistors, the meter can besides be used for multi-range current measurements. For current measurement, the instrument is to be connected in series with the unknown current source.

For measurement of DC voltage, a resistor is continued in series with the meter, and the meter resistance is taken into business relationship such that the current passing through the resistor is the same equally the current passing through the meter and the whole reading indicates the voltage reading. For voltage measurement, the musical instrument is to be continued in parallel with the unknown voltage source. For multirange measurement, different resistors of dissimilar values can be used, which are continued in serial with the meter.

For measurement of resistance, the unknown resistance is connected in series with the meter and across a battery, such that the current passing through the meter is straight proportional to the unknown resistance. For Air-conditioning voltage or current measurement, the same principle is applied, except for the fact that the AC parameter to be measured is first rectified and filtered to become the DC parameter and the meter indicates the RMS value of the Ac signal.

Advantages of an Analog Multimeter are that it is cheap, doesn't crave a battery, can measure fluctuations in the readings. The ii main factors affecting the measurement are sensitivity and accuracy. Sensitivity refers to the reciprocal of the full-scale deflection current and is measured in ohms per volt.

Digital Multimeters

We more often than not used a multimeter is a digital multimeter (DMM). The DMM performs all functions from AC to DC other than analog. It has two probes positive and negative indicated with black and crimson color is shown in the figure. The black probe connected to COM JACK and the red probe connected by user requirement to mensurate ohm, volt, or amperes.

The jack marked VΩ and the COM jack on the right of the motion-picture show are used for measuring voltages, resistance, and for testing a diode. The two jacks are utilized when an LCD shows what is being measured (volts, ohms, amps, etc.). Overload protection prevents damage to the meter and the circuit and protects the user.

Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter

The Digital Multimeter consists of an LCD, a knob to select various ranges of the three electrical characteristics, an internal circuitry consisting of a betoken conditioning circuitry, an analog to digital converter. The PCB consists of concentric rings that are connected or disconnected based on the position of the knob. Thus as the required parameter and the range are selected, the department of the PCB is activated to perform the corresponding measurement.

To mensurate the resistance, current flows from a constant electric current source through the unknown resistor, and the voltage across the resistor are amplified and fed to an Analog to Digital Converter and the resultant output in form of resistance is displayed on the digital display. To mensurate an unknown AC voltage, the voltage is first adulterate to go the suitable range and and so rectified to DC point and the analog DC betoken is fed to an A/D converter to get the display, which indicates the RMS value of the Air-conditioning betoken.

Similarly to measure an Air conditioning or DC, the unknown input is get-go converted to a voltage signal and then fed to an analog to digital converter to become the desired output(with rectification in example of Air conditioning signal). Advantages of a  Digital Multimeter are its output display which directly shows the measured value,  high accurateness, ability to read both positive and negative values.

Types of Digital Multimeter

Digital types of multimeter are available in iii types.

Fluke Multimeter

The fluke digital multimeter can be designed with various collaboration functions. Generally, it includes a large brandish and this instrument is used to mensurate the voltage as well every bit electrical resistance. Some kinds of devices are available with avant-garde features to mensurate humidity, duty cycle, pressure, frequency temperature, etc. The fluke multimeter is one of the nigh ofttimes and famous instruments.
This kind of multimeter is mainly used for calibration efforts and used to calibrate currents, volts & other electric units.

Fluke Multimeter
Fluke Multimeter

The fluke multimeters are protected confronting the transient voltage. It is a small-scale portable device used to mensurate voltage, current, and exam diodes. The multimeter has multi selectors to select the desired function. The fluke MM automatically ranges to select most measurements. This means the magnitude of the betoken does not have to exist known or determined to take an authentic reading, it direct moved to the appropriate port for the desired measurement. The fuse is protected to forestall damage if connected to the wrong port.

Clamp Digital Multimeter

The clench digital multimeter is used to measure the electricity menstruation. As the proper noun suggests, this multimeter includes the feature namely clamp which measures the amps whenever the probes mensurate the volts. The adjustment of power utilization otherwise watts tin exist done through multiplying the reading of voltage with the amps. This multimeter also includes an boosted characteristic that is different kinds of settings. The advisable feature is used while measuring.

Clamp Type
Clamp Blazon

This kind of multimeter includes fixed tools for measuring the current menstruum. This device extremely changes from the fluke type because, in the fluke multimeter, information technology utilizes a clamp to measure the flow of electric current. And so, this musical instrument is usually recommended for professionals only.

Autoranging Multimeter

The auto-ranging multimeter is a simple multimeter to utilize even though it is similarly the about costly of all kinds of digital multimeters. This multimeter includes a knob in the center and has less position. And then information technology doesn't switch automatically to measure. This instrument is applicative in uncomplicated projects. For beginners as well as electricians at home, this musical instrument is highly recommended. Generally, it measures a unmarried component at a fourth dimension.

Autoranging Type
Autoranging Type

Types of Multimeter Probes

A multimeter includes different test probes and the chief function of these probes is to connect to the circuit nether test. The most mutual types of probes are retractable hook clips, pointed probes & crocodile clips.

Generally, a multimeter includes two-colour wires like black and carmine, known as leads or probes. I end of the probe is called a banana jack that is plugged into a multimeter, whereas the remaining end is known as the probe tip, used to test the circuit. The red probe is used for +ve whereas the black probe is used for –Ve.

These probes include a probe tip on one end whereas the other finish includes assistant plugs. Almost of the multimeters include fuses to baby-sit them against the extremely loftier current. When too much current supplies through the multimeter, this fuse volition restrict the flow of current to prevent the harm. Some kinds of multimeters include fuses based on the measurement of low electric current or high electric current and they determine where y'all accept to place the probes.


Types of multimeter include ii probes like cherry and black & two or three ports. From them, i of the ports is labeled.COM for mutual which is used for black probe whereas the remaining ports are labeled A used for amps and mA/µA (milliamps/microamps). The final port is labeled VΩ used for ohms & volts. Sometimes, this port is integrated into the 3rd one, which is next labeled mAVΩ.

If the multimeter includes four ports, and so the cherry probe tin can be plugged into the VΩ port for measuring resistance every bit well equally voltage. When the red probe is inserted into the mA port then the current tin can be calculated & plugged into the A port then the current can exist measured in amps. For example, the port used to test a diode using a multimeter is the VΩ port and this port can also exist used to test a transistor.

Difference between Analog Multimeter and Digital Multimeter

The master difference betwixt analog and digital multimeters include the post-obit.

Analog Multimeter Digital Multimeter
Analog Multimeter is used to gauge restricted electrical quantities like resistance, voltage & electric current. Digital Multimeter is used to compute diverse electrical quantities like voltage, current, capacitance, resistance, values of diode and impedance, etc.
The size of the analog multimeter is larger The size of the digital multimeter is smaller
This meter provides the reading on a scale side by side to the pointer. This meter provides the reading in the class of numeric on an LCD.
These are calibrated manually. These are calibrated automatically.
Its construction is uncomplicated Its construction is complicated because of the interest of components like electronics and logic.
Analog multimeters are less accurate considering of the parallax errors & readings of the incorrect pointer Digital multimeters are very accurate
Information technology doesn't need ADC to show reading. Information technology needs ADC to exhibit the reading.
Input resistance is not stable Input resistance is stable
The pointer of this multimeter tries to turn aside to the left in reverse polarity. This multimeter shows a negative quantity once the polarity is reversed.
These are less cost These are expensive
The o/p of this meter cannot be interfaced through exterior equipment. The o/p of these meters can exist interfaced through exterior equipment.
The frequency range is up to2kHZ. The frequency range is high every bit compared to analog
Analog Multimeter measures the current with the aid of a Galvanometer. Digital Multimeter measures voltage with ADC
Information technology has less electrical noise It has more electric racket
Information technology allows just one i/p signal for each performance. It allows several input signals & consumers can select the required signal on the variable display.
The maximum Ac frequency which can be calculated is lesser The maximum AC frequency which tin can be calculated is loftier than its counter element

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Multimeters

The advantages of a digital multimeter include the following.

  • Information technology gives an automatic o/p display.
  • The measurement results of the meter can record and shop in memory and synchronizes through a PC
  • It includes motorcar polarity functions
  • The meter reading accurateness cannot depend on the charging of the battery
  • It ensures accuracy
  • Resistance toward mechanical damage.
  • Multifunctionality
  • Aught adjustments cannot exist required
  • Measurement accuracy is high
  • Measuring ranges tin exist selected through manual or automatically

The disadvantages of digital multimeter include the following

  • Every bit compared to analog, information technology is expensive
  • This multimeter does non work properly through measurement fluctuations. Information technology can exist tricky to find ane for your verbal needs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Analog Multimeter

The advantages of an analog multimeter include the post-obit.

  • Possibility of achieving measurements at below-30 ° С temperature
  • Power utilization is not required from the fixed power supply while measuring current and voltage
  • When loftier precision is not necessary, so quick operation through a large amount of measurement can be washed.
  • By using this instrument, all measurements tin exist done simply.
  • The betoken level can exist observed

The disadvantages of analog multimeter include the following

  • These meters are big
  • These are expensive
  • Voltage polarity cannot be recognized
  • They are susceptible to vibration or stupor.
  • The motion of the pointer is slow and it cannot be utilized to measure voltages through frequencies above fifty HZ.
  • Incorrect considering of the earth's magnetic field issue.
  • An unexpected change in the betoken tin observe through an analog multimeter more chop-chop as compared with a digital multimeter.
  • These are sensitive to vibration, mechanical damage.
  • Input resistance is less, thus a high fault while measuring less voltage

Types of Multimeter Applications

The applications of types of multimeter mainly involve various electric and electronic projects for components testing and also used in dissimilar measurement applications in the multimeter.

Temperature and Environmental Applications

  • Depression-price conditions station
  • DMM internal temperature

Voltage Measurements

  • High and low-value DC measurement
  • Peak to Top and DC average measurement

Current Measurements

  • DC measurement
  • True RMS Air-conditioning

Resistance Measurement

  • Micro ohmmeter
  • Measuring resistance with constant voltage
  • Measuring resistance with constant current

Time and Frequency measurement

  • Fast frequency
  • Fourth dimension measurement

Thus, this is all most an overview of different types of multimeter, their working, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Near of the technicians know the value of multimeters, then they ever bear them with their tool kit. These instruments help in detecting faults accurately. Generally, multimeters are used to measure resistance, inductance, frequency & conductance. Some of the meters are used for measuring temperature and duty cycle. But advanced meters are used with some features to measure decibels, microamps, RPM, etc. Multimeters are bachelor with probes, leads & clams. Similarly, some of the meters come with warranties as well every bit boosted batteries to help them for a long time.


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